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Will I Reorder Hello Fresh?

Hello Fresh is a food delivery service that I recently tried! Being a busy college student makes it hard to meal plan and take the time to cook quality meals so I was really interested! The meal options looked delicious and they seemed so easy to make! I finally ordered my box after a few friends gave me rave reviews and after ordering Hello Fresh for two consecutive weeks, I was not disappointed!

First, lets talk shipping and packaging! When my packages arrived I was so happy to see all of the meat surrounded by ice packs that were super cold! The packaging was clean and I was satisfied with how the produce was so fresh. I ordered two weekly boxes with a total of 4 recipes in each. The boxes were each delivered on Saturday night. Every ingredient needed for those 4 recipes was included inside of the box along with instructions for how to make each meal.

When placing your order, Hello Fresh will show you the meals available for that week. I was never disappointed with the options and I truly loved each meal that I made! My favorite was probably the tilapia tacos! Hello Fresh makes each recipe really easy to follow and they show you each step with pictures!

The Hello Fresh meals that I picked each served two people so when I made them I would either save the leftovers for later or share with my roommates and boyfriend! If you have any concerns that the meals might not be enough food per serving, don't worry! There is plenty of food for each meal that you make and I was always full after eating.

I was so impressed by the meal options, the customizable packages based on family size, and the ease of the whole process. I loved how this service eliminated my need to grocery shop and meal plan. At this time though, I have temporarily frozen my account due to the cost factor. With the package I was receiving, it was more than $50 a week. This is actually a great value for that amount of food, but unfortunately I found myself rushing to make the meals before the ingredients went bad. I simply do not eat at my apartment as often as this service requires. I am always on the go, in classes, on campus, attending meetings or working, so most of my meals need to be quick and easy to grab and go! For this reason Hello Fresh just doesn't fit my lifestyle for that price point. I do see myself ordering it again once I am no longer in college and have a steadier schedule!

Xoxo, Liv

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