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Finals Week Study Strategies

1) Create a study guide

Lay out a clear plan of what you need to study in order to ace the test

2) Ask your Professor questions

Your professors are there to help you so make sure to utilize them. They can give you important information regarding the test format or what will be covered on the exam

3) Get an early start

Studying last minute can be stressful and unproductive so make sure you start at least a couple days in advance

4) Form a study group

Studying is not only more enjoyable with friends, but also a great strategy! Friends can help explain things you may not understand or they can help quiz you

5) Organize your notes

Pull together all of your lecture notes and organize them by topic or chapter

6) Get plenty of rest

Studying is not productive if you are running on “empty”. Make sure to stick to a regular sleeping schedule and stock up on some caffeine

7) Prioritize your time

Plan to spend more time studying the material that you know you are struggling with

8) Create a set of flashcards

Quizzing yourself is a great way to check to make sure you’re learning the material. Plus, you’ll be learning while you create the set of flashcards

9) Color code your lecture notes

Color coding makes it easier to visualize while also differentiating topics among definitions

10) Make a study schedule

Plan what you’ll study each day leading up to your exam to make sure you will cover all of the necessary material

Goodluck on Finals!

Xoxo, Liv

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